Sunday, November 25, 2018

Statements against doing anything.

Q1. The globe is not warming
A: Does ice melt at 32F?
Alpine glaciers have left locations that are now above 32F.

Q2. There is so little CO2. It couldn't be that.
A: Does CO2 block infrared?
What is the history of infrared radiation measurements from space?

Q3: Saturation, adding more does not matter.
A: What is the history of infrared radiation measurements from space?
Do those measurements show that it does not matter? MORE

Q4. 1934 was so warm
Warm in the USA. MORE

Q5. The climate is always changing
The last half of the holocene has been quite stable, hasn't it?
Or, do you mean the weather is always changing?

Q6. It's not mankind
Where did we lose you?
CO2 is going up. We are doing that. Correct??
CO2 prevents Earth from cooling off by blocking infrared. Correct?
If additional CO2 means that Earth cannot become cooler by infrared radiation, then the atmosphere is hotter. The next day, the Earth gets hotter again, until the atmosphere reaches a temperature, where, because of its higher temperature, it is able to radiate away as much more heat as the heat blocked by the additional CO2.
That temperature becomes the new average global temperature. Correct?

Q7. 97% of scientists agree that the climate changes. So what?
No. By 2001 the IPCC managed to establish a consensus, phrased so cautiously that none of the government representatives ventured to dissent. It was much more likely than not, the panel announced, that our civilization was headed for severe global warming. MORE

Q8. Climate change is good.
By 2010 impacts long predicted were turning up, sooner than many had expected — acidification of the oceans, unprecedented deadly heat waves, record-breaking floods and droughts, heat-related changes in the survival of sensitive species. MORE

Q9. CO2 is plant food.
It is plant food that is causing climate change.

Q10. The models are rigged.
Retreating alpine glaciers is not a model. It's opening your eyes.

Q11. I don't believe it.
But I do believe that the alpine glaciers are melting.
?And the Northwest Passage acoss the Bering Sea?
?And the Great Barrier Reef bleaching?
?And the flooding of streets in Miami Beach?
?And the wildfires in California? Earlier snowmelt has led to hot, dry conditions.

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